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About V.I.P Services

Independent Living with Heart & Professionalism

Visionary Independence Program pledges to offer a measurable, transparent training and service delivery model to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

We want to provide the tools, support, and reporting necessary to participate in the dynamic independent living system that is comprised of the individual, regional center, providers, family, peers, and community members.

Visionary Independence Program Philosophy

Visionary independence program will honor self-determination theory, which is centered on the understanding that human nature is generally positive, people are comprised of effort, agency, and commitment in their lives that the theory calls "inherent growth tendencies". People also have innate psychological needs that are the basis for self-motivation and personality integration.

Visionary Independence Program subscribes to this theory which identifies three innate needs that, if satisfied, allow optimal function and growth:

  • Competence
  • Relatedness
  • Autonomy

We see these needs are seen as universal necessities that are innate, not learned, and seen in humanity across time, gender and culture.

Visionary Independence Program will provide a personally designed service that will assist the individual with the:

  • Live in his or her own home in the community, with appropriate support and skills training.
  • Make fundamental life decisions, while also supporting and facilitating the individual in dealing with the consequence of those decisions.